Monday, March 22, 2010

It's been a while

Well I haven't posted for a few days. As you can see I got out Saturday night and took our youth to the predators game. Jay is great about trying to get me out when he can. We had a great time! My whole family came over and helped jay out while I was at the game.
Elijah and Noa will take turns getting up now at night. We are learning that at least one of them will stay up until midnight. It never fails you get them both down and get in bed yourself and your back up in a few minutes. So right now I'm holding Noa just waiting her out;) Elijah is in bed. Once they are down though they usually sleep pretty good. Until about 5am.
This morning they did really good. Isaac and I got up first. Then Elijah woke up. I got him fed and settled before Noa woke up. I never wanted to get them off the same schedule but now it's easier for them to be a little separated. When I'm by myself it's easier to feed them one at a time while Isaac is here. They still pretty much sleep at the same times so that's good!
Today we all 4 laid down for a good 2-hour nap. It was great!! Tomorrow Isaac goes back to school!!!! And I have to take the twins for their 2-month checkup.

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