Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some days

Some days are a lot worse than others. This morning was one of those days. Isaac is getting to a phase where he wants to be held all the time. I don't know if it's because he isn't feeling good or because he has been so tired lately. Probably a combination. It's getting old though and I can't handle it. This morning everyone was crying. And I think they just all wanted attention. I just don't know how to divide my attention between them all. And I'm sure it's only going to get harder. I was late taking Isaac to school. And there was no way I was packing a lunch so he got a sonic corn dog for lunch. He was happy!! After I got him to school I just sat in the van on the Lebanon square and fed Elijah. Noa slept. I was going to just drive around but Elijah was screaming so I figured I better feed him.
Then I decided I would go get them weighed just curious how much they weigh now. Noa weighs 9 lb. 8 oz. and Elijah weighs 9 lbs. 4 oz. That's how much I weighed when I was born!! I love having little babies!! As long as they are healthy:) and they are!!!

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