Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Twins: the beginning...

So I thought it would be good to start blogging again. I'm going to try to write something everyday just to document our new crazy lives;)

The Day Before Day One:
So let's start with day one of the twins birth. On Tues. January 19th I went in to see my doctor for a check up in hopes they might keep me to have the twins. I had an ultrasound and Elijah wasn't growing as well as they would have liked for him to have been. So at that point they decided it was about time. I went upstairs to see Dr. Barrett to find out exactly when it would be. She sent me on over to the hospital to start the induction. YEAH!!! Well once getting there and after getting on my gown and all settled in my bed, I was sent home because I ate a full breakfast that morning and they were afraid I would get sick due to the anesthesia. In case they had to do a c-section. So they said to come back at 7pm that night and not to eat or drink anything. It turned out well. Jay was already home getting everything together. We were able to pick Isaac up from school and spend some time with him.

Finally it was time. We headed to the hospital. Of course had to wait on a room. Finally the nurse called us back and she said she had talked to my doctor and she wanted to start everything really slow for the night then crank it up in the morning. Of course we were like great, we had to wait even longer...

Day One:
At about 3am my contractions started to really pick up. At that time I decided it was time for the epidural. After 2 tries with the epidural they got it in. Of course 2 tries it's twins right?!? My sister and Jay were there at this time. After the epidural we all got a little rest. At 6am my parents got there. At 7am is the nurses shift change. Well I had told my nurse that I was starting to feel pressure. She didn't want to check me because she wanted the next nurse to check because they didn't want to check too often. When my next nurse came in I told her about the pressure. She went ahead and checked and said I was very close and she was calling the doctor. Of course my parents had left to go get breakfast. Whitney and Jay are trying to call them to let them know it was time!!
Dr. Barrett came in and said it was time. She had me push three times then said yep your ready. They brought scrubs in for Jay. Since I was having twins they had me deliver in the OR just in case they had to do a c-section they would be prepared. My parents got back and shortly after they rolled me off.

Once we got in the OR it wasn't long before they had me start pushing Noa. They were constantly monitoring both babies.
Noa Winter was born at 8:35am weighing 5 lbs 13 oz. After Noa was born they started to figure out how Elijah was potitioned. Dr. Barrett said he flipped because she felt his feet. But Dr. Crow was watching him on the monitor and she said no his head is still down. He just folded in half when Noa came out. Dr. Barrett was trying to repotition him but in a matter of seconds his water broke and his umbilical cord started coming out. She said we have to do a c-section. As soon as that was said the room was full of people, they jacked up my medicine and litterally ripped me open... Elijah Ryan was born at 8:44 am and weighed 4 lbs. 2 oz.

Jay took both the babies to transition. They noticed that Elijah was having problems breathing. They sent him to NICU and sent Noa to the nursery. Noa had to be I'm the incubator for 8 hours to keep her tempeture up. Elijah was on a separate floor in NICU. They did an xray and discovered his lungs were fully developed they just didn't get the last coating to help him breath better. They gave him some medicine to coat his lungs and started him on oxygen.
All day Jay was going room to room checking on me, Noa and Elijah. On my way from recovery to my room they took me by the NICU to see Elijah.
That night they brought Noa to our room.
I was completely out of it all day!

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